Birth Control Pill is Safe Contraceptive Method for Women after 40′s


We all hear that fertility declines with age in women. However, that does not make one infertile enough to not get pregnancy after the benchmark of 40 years. Yes, there is a possibility that conception may take more trials than how it were in the early 20’s or 30’s. Those intending to prevent pregnancy after 40’s cannot just have intercourse without protection until they hit menopausal age.

It is unsafe to do so, if the person is intending not to get pregnant. The hormones regulating pregnancy are still alive and active biologically until the female meets a dead end for menstrual cycle. The safest and quickest way to prevent a pregnancy is using contraceptive pills. These contain artificial synthetic estrogen and progestin that initiate blockage of ovulation and implantation by targeting the uterine line shedding and ovaries.

The ingredients thicken cervical mucus, not enabling sperms to reach uterus to impregnate the eggs. Even if the females wishes to get pregnant after 40’s it is a very risky decision. Research has proved that bearing a child after 35 years of age could be dangerous for both the mother and the baby. There is a greater possibility of miscarriage, complicated pregnancy and c-section delivery at such a peak age.

 Thus, many women rather choose birth control pills to do away with possibility of getting pregnant. The dosage regimen is of 21 days of active tablets. The user has to consume one tablet each day with water, orally at the same time everyday. 28 day cycle dosage includes 7 inert tablets to be taken orally each day after completion of 21 days of active pills. In the placebo or the administration of inert tablets’ period, the female will start menstruating.

Missing a dose is not advisable as it can reduce the efficacy of the contraceptive pills in hindering pregnancy. So, women over 40’s, if you are planning to indulge in intercourse, do use a birth control measure to erase chances of becoming pregnant, and live safe.

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